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RAAOWWRBSA - Chapter 10

  Reincarnated as an Omega who was rejected by seven Alphas Tradutor: Spring Flowers BL The day was already quite bright and people continued to arrive to pay their condolences. He Huan still maintained his upright posture, with a modest and calm expression, without showing any impatience. His serious and respectful attitude was widely praised by everyone. Many people said that it felt like they were seeing the old Mu Li'er again. For example, the nationally renowned director Jiang Xintian nodded in satisfaction, patting He Huan on the arm and saying, “Good boy, you have your mother’s style.” Jiang Xintian had collaborated with Mu Li'er on many excellent films. The relationship between the two was that of master and friend, and at the time they were known as the golden duo. The award-winning “My Father is a Seller” and “Blade of the Empire’s Glory” are the strongest proof of their friendship and talent. He Huan bowed respectfully: “Teacher Jiang, you flatter me too much. I am t
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RAAOWWRBSA - Capítulo 10

 Reincarnated as an Omega who was rejected by seven Alphas Tradutor: Spring Flowers BL O dia já estava bem claro e as pessoas continuavam a chegar para prestar suas condolências. He Huan ainda mantinha a postura ereta, com uma expressão modesta e calma, sem mostrar qualquer impaciência. Sua atitude séria e respeitosa foi amplamente elogiada por todos. Muitas pessoas disseram que parecia que estavam vendo a antiga Mu Li'er novamente. Por exemplo, o diretor de renome nacional Jiang Xintian, acenou com a cabeça de forma satisfeita, batendo no braço de He Huan e dizendo: “Bom garoto, você tem o estilo de sua mãe.” Jiang Xintian havia colaborado com Mu Li'er em muitos filmes excelentes. A relação entre os dois era de mestre e amigo, e na época eram conhecidos como a dupla de ouro. Os premiados “Meu Pai é Seller” e “Lâmina da Glória do Império” são as provas mais fortes da amizade e talento deles. He Huan fez uma reverência respeitosa: “Professor Jiang, você me elogia demais. Estou m

RAAOWWRBSA - Chapter 09

 Reincarnated as an Omega who was rejected by seven Alphas Tradutor: Spring Flowers BL Mu Li'er's memorial will be held tomorrow. On the occasion, there will be a large presence of influential people from the industry, as well as journalists from various media. He Huan's electronic brain had been bombarded since he woke up in the morning. The Gibbs family was persistently trying to reconcile with him. He Xun wanted him to not reveal the cause of Mu Li'er's death. He Huan laughed coldly, thinking about how cruel and demanding they were to the previous owner of his body, never imagining that this day would come. After sorting out the preparations for tomorrow's memorial, He Huan turned off his electronic brain and went to rest. He still has an unfinished film to shoot, and the production team has notified him to report to set the next day to film his character's last two scenes. He Huan only has some memories of the original and is not very familiar with the m

RAAOWWRBSA - Capítulo 09

Reincarnated as an Omega who was rejected by seven Alphas Tradutor: Spring Flowers BL O memorial de Mu Li'er será realizado amanhã. Na ocasião, haverá uma grande presença de pessoas influentes da indústria, bem como jornalistas de várias mídias. O cérebro eletrônico de He Huan foi bombardeado desde que ele acordou de manhã. A família Gibbs estava insistentemente tentando reconciliar com ele. He Xun queria que ele não revelasse a causa da morte de Mu Li'er. He Huan riu friamente, pensando em como eles foram cruéis e exigentes com o antigo dono de seu corpo, sem imaginar que esse dia chegaria. Depois de resolver os preparativos para o memorial de amanhã, He Huan desligou o cérebro eletrônico e foi descansar. Ele ainda tem um filme inacabado para gravar, e a equipe de produção o notificou para comparecer ao set no dia seguinte para filmar as últimas duas cenas de seu personagem. He Huan só tem algumas memórias do original e não está muito familiarizado com o filme chamado Um Mundo

RAAOWWRBSA - Chapter 08

  Reincarnated as an Omega who was rejected by seven Alphas Tradutor: Spring Flowers BL Important note:  The title of the novel was very misleading as it had previously been translated in a completely literal way. I decided to translate the title correctly, but unfortunately, I couldn’t change the title on NovelUpdates, so I only changed it on the website. What do you think? In the dim light, the atmosphere was peaceful. The atmosphere suddenly changed, even the air became dense. Fei Zi noticed the discomfort: "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Fei Zi stepped forward and looked down at him, "On June 13th, it was you, wasn't it?" He Huan felt suffocated by Fei Zi's presence and instinctively tried to retreat, but he was unable to stand his ground. Without support, he fell straight onto the sofa. The soft cushions made him jump a little. With his neck stretched out, he breathed heavily. His hair was disheveled, sticking to his forehead covered in fine

RAAOWWRBSA - Capítulo 08

Reincarnated as an Omega who was rejected by seven Alphas Tradutor: Spring Flowers BL Nota importante:   O titulo da novel era muito enganoso já que foi traduzido anteriormente de forma literal, resolvi traduzir da forma correta o titulo, infelizmente não consegui alterar o titulo no novelupdates, então apenas alterei no site. Qual é a opinião de vocês? À luz fraca, o ambiente estava tranquilo. A atmosfera mudou de repente, até o ar ficou denso. Fei Zi notou o desconforto: "O que foi? Está se sentindo mal?" Fei Zi deu um passo à frente e olhou para ele de cima: "No dia 13 de junho, foi você, não foi?" He Huan sentiu-se sufocado pela presença de Fei Zi e tentou instintivamente recuar, mas não conseguiu se manter firme. Sem apoio, ele caiu diretamente no sofá. As almofadas macias o fizeram saltar um pouco. Com o pescoço esticado, ele respirava com dificuldade. Seu cabelo estava desarrumado, grudado na testa coberta de suor fino, e o lóbulo da orelha exposto brilhava e