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DAAOWWDBSA - Chapter 05

Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Translator: Spring Flowers BL

Translator's Notes: This chapter is a real slap in the face, but it's also quite long and took some work. I hope you like it and happy reading. Ah, see you tomorrow, I'll post more.

Tomorrow is the press conference.

There have already been a lot of negative comments about He Huan on the Internet.

[To have such a great alpha and still cheat is definitely a black hole.]

[How disgusting, it's the first time I've seen someone so hungry, he's just embarrassing us all.]

[Congratulations to young Cedric for getting rid of this rubbish before marriage, otherwise he would have to tend sheep after he was married.]

T/N: The reference to "taking care of sheep" is a figurative expression that indicates that he would have to endure a difficult or unpleasant situation.

He Huan calmly reads the comments on several major websites, most of which are being controlled by the Gibbs family, and the comments are simply disgusting.

His past works are also being used to make offensive jokes and montages, with insulting words being added.

Qi Peng continued reading a few pages, but he quickly looked away. He didn't know where He Huan's incredible psychological resilience came from. It seemed that what was written there did not refer to him.

"If I didn't know the truth, I certainly would have believed it," he said.

For the past two days, the He family has been frantically searching for He Huan, using various threat and seduction tactics to make him surrender, but to no avail.

How the He family couldn't hand him over completely pissed off the Gibbs family, and now he's being targeted all over the internet.

Worried, Qi Peng asked, "They have surveillance photos and videos. They also hired top-notch marketing experts. Just having the hospital documents might not be enough, right?"

He Huan calmly pointed to a news link and said, "It's really not enough, so I prepared two special gifts for them as well."

He caressed the screen with delicate fingers, gliding softly as if kissing a lover's skin.

Qi Peng was stunned. He couldn't even remember how many times he had been teased since he started sheltering He Huan.

"Like you turn into a fairy released after being marked, the one who absorbs solar energy," he said.

He Huan smiled with tenderness in his eyes, and his voice was like strands of sugar stretching out, "I like your way of speaking."

Qi Peng was taken aback by his smile and inwardly cursed, thinking that he was really troublesome.

He quickly asked about the subject that was interrupted earlier: "You mentioned two big surprises, what are they?"

He Huan opened a document on his slim-screen device and said, "Here, take a look. This is the result of my hard work over the past two days."

Qi Peng curiously reached out and opened his hand, his eyes widened little by little, nearly popping out of their sockets.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier that you're Mu Lier's son?!"


The press conference took place as planned at a renowned business hotel.

Initially, the situation was going well, as the Gibbs family had imagined.

During the live broadcast, an edited video from the security cameras at the entrance to He Huan's mansion was played on the big screen, clearly revealing the marks on it.

On the podium, Cedric looked sad: "Two days before the incident, I just received the wedding ring ordered. I went to meet him anxiously to show him, but I never imagined..."

He purposely placed his left hand on the podium, displaying the silver wedding ring on his middle finger.

Cedric's pained expression was in sharp contrast to He Huan's arrogant expression on the screen.

[Cedric is still wearing the ring! So handsome and loyal, he's really amazing.]

[Forget that bastard, my husband. He is not up to it. Let me heal your emotional wounds.]

[This one called He Huan is a rotten bastard, I wish him a quick death all over his body.]

Sitting in the VIP area, Gibbs listened carefully to his subordinate's report and nodded, everything was under control.

At this time, the presenter emotionally comforted Cedric and instructed him to rest properly.

Then the power to announce the cancellation of the engagement was transferred to Gibbs, the head of the family.

Gibbs cleared his throat and said, "We are very sorry about this matter. He Huan's actions deeply hurt my family and damaged the reputation of the Gibbs family."

[My God, everyone must watch the live broadcast of He Huan the traitor.]

[Holy crap, total turnaround!]

[Hahaha, what a great conflict drama between powerful families! The news of now, we'll have to wait two days to see.]

Just moments ago, under Qi Peng's organization, He Huan entered a live broadcast platform not controlled by the Gibbs family - "Grass on the Wall".

With Qi Peng's work, the topic was already trending on the internet ten minutes before the live broadcast.

He Huan broadcast live to clarify the truth, presenting images and evidence.

With such a flashy title, it soon attracted a huge amount of curious viewers, and the number of views reached a million as soon as it started, almost causing the small platform to collapse.

Feeling threatened, platform operators accelerated the purchase of servers.

In the live video, He Huan's face looks tired and his eyes are red.

His voice is hoarse, full of exhaustion and sadness, as if he's on the verge of breaking down, "Hello everyone, I'm He Huan. In the past two days, some fake news has seriously damaged my reputation and mental health. Here, I'll clarify one for one."

His sincere appearance caused the insulting comments on the live broadcast to greatly decrease, and some people who were more sensible began to control their own comments.

He Huan forced an excited smile, "I thank my friends and fans who have always supported me, and I also thank outsiders willing to listen to my clarification."

"The truth of events is as follows. Some time ago, Cedric fell in love with a woman named Lili Si. Their compatibility rate was 40, so they wanted to call off our engagement. This is the message that Lili Si sent me at the time. "

He Huan displayed the provocative messages from his smart device, showing internet users the dates and contents one by one.

The wedding between Cedric and the original owner was approaching, but Lili Si, desperate, secretly sent provocative messages and photos of Cedric to anger the original owner.

These things are the weapons that killed the previous owner, and now He Huan is going to use these weapons to settle the score in blood.

Those arrogant words and intimate photos show how explosive the relationship between this woman named Lili and Cedric was.

【We arranged to meet on the bridge of Lanka Port, it is said that couples who kiss there truly love each other.】

Followed by a photo of the kiss.

【Cedric is obsessed with the smell of my coriander pheromone, he hugged me all night and almost branded me completely. I got scared.】

The photo shows a neck full of kiss marks and a gland with a bite.

Meanwhile, during the press conference, Cedric still wore a love-harmed look.

On stage, Gibbs angrily pointed out, "Cedric loves He Huan with all his heart, but he did something so shameless."

[Hahaha, does your son know what shame is?]

[Is coriander flavored love?]

[I suspect the video cut out a lot of important stuff.]

[A quick glance at what He Huan is doing, there is an even more startling revelation!]

On the live broadcast, He Huan took the three diagnostic sheets, and the logo on the header was the most authoritative hospital in the entire interstellar world.

The three sheets are aligned and all have a notice in red at the bottom: "[Gland-zhi in closed state, unmarked]."

Once the diagnostics are displayed, in a matter of just a few seconds, the number of viewers of the channel instantly surpasses 10 million.

He Huan is unfazed by this number, continuing to prove himself logically and coherently.

"I still don't know how Gibbs came to the conclusion that I was completely branded. I never admitted that. If they're willing to release the surveillance camera audio, I think everything will become clearer."

"Furthermore, I believe the hospital certificate is the most convincing evidence."

[Hahaha, unmarked?! That's an impressive turnaround! I strongly demand the release of the audio!!]

[I'm a fan of He Huan, he's always been low-key, and I still believe he wouldn't do something like that!]

[What about the people who insulted He Huan? They acted like they haven't brushed their teeth for hundreds of years when they were insulting, but now they're hiding like turtles when they need to apologize?]

At the same time, Gibbs kept talking, "We've negotiated with He Huan before. If he's willing to erase the mark, we're still willing to accept him. However, he not only refuses to repent, but also insults us. .."

As he spoke, he noticed the commotion among the reporters below and frowned in displeasure.

Suddenly someone ran up to Cedric and showed him a small tablet.

Cedric's sad expression instantly turned into a fierce and frightening expression. He stared blankly at He Huan at the screen, tightly gripping the tablet with his hands, veins bulging on the backs of his hands.

The red markings on the diagnosis provoked his eyes to turn red with rage, wishing he could enter the screen and kill He Huan.

The assistant beside him pushed him discreetly. Cedric woke up suddenly, in a cold sweat. This was a live broadcast venue where all the major media were gathered, and he had to force himself to maintain a calm expression.

Perceptive reporters did not miss this exciting scene. Some took photos, others recorded videos, fully capturing their sudden change in expression.

Meanwhile, in the live broadcast room, He Huan played an audio file.

"After Cedric fell in love with Lili, he wanted to call off our engagement, but due to an agreement between the families, he didn't have the heart to admit it. He always expected me to take the initiative to quit."

【Xiao Huan, the company is very busy lately. I'm afraid the wedding date is too close. How about we postpone it a little longer?】

【You're always texting me during my work, did you know it's annoying? And now, even before we get married, you already want to meddle in everything. If we get married, won't you want to control everything?】

【Who do you think you are? I can date whoever I want, wherever I want, and I don't have to answer to you!】

[ I'm switching back and forth between the two screens, afraid I'll miss any details. I'm so busy! ]

[Hahaha, I left class with my classmate to watch this, it was worth it!]

[I'm killing time at work and watching without the boss noticing, now we're watching together.]

[Quickly glance to the side of the press conference, it's a total mess!]

Gibbs looked at the increasingly agitated reporters below, finally realizing that something was wrong.

His secretary ran to him and explained the situation succinctly.

With each word uttered by the secretary, Gibbs' expression became darker, until his eyes were full of malice.

Before he could even make up his mind, the reporters below swooped down on him like vultures sniffing out rotten meat, like hungry locusts.

"Mr. Gibbs, Mr. He Huan presented evidence from three major hospitals, all with unmarked diagnoses. How are you so sure that he was fully marked earlier? Is there a conspiracy in that?"

"Mr. Gibbs, were you aware that your son had an affair during the engagement? Were you aware of that?"

"People online are saying that the Gibbs family has set a trap to suppress the He family and monopolize the resources of planet El. Is that true?"

Gibbs had a pale face and quickly asked the secretary to control the situation.

Before he could find an excuse to deal with the situation, he suddenly saw someone grab the brain projection controller and switch the screen to He Huan's live broadcast.

On the magnificent back wall was a luxurious projection screen the size of a badminton court.

N/T: Badminton is played on a court measuring 6.10 meters wide x 13.4 meters long.

He Huan's face clearly appeared before everyone, and just as clearly, was the evidence presented earlier.

[Thanks to this hero who made the projection, finally we can free our eyes and hands!]

[Wow, this is exciting to watch! Benefiting mankind!]

[Look at these despicable father and son, finally revealed their true colors!]

Gibbs finally panicked, and Cedric became uneasy as well.

On the screen, He Huan meticulously took out one piece of evidence after another, as if he was applying the torture of dismemberment to them.

Father and son were desperately shouting, "Security! Security! Turn off the screen immediately!"

But how could reporters afford to miss such an explosive scene? They clung to her like leeches, surrounding the lectern and brain control platform, making escape impossible.

On the screen, He Huan was extremely furious.

"I agreed to call off the engagement, but at that time I was in my heat period and couldn't leave the house..."

"My glandular development was retarded, unable to release pheromones... But that day, I finally developed and Cedric discovered that our pheromone compatibility was 80. He wanted to mate with me, but I refused..."

"So he tried to force me..."

Reporters were completely outraged and hurled questions like cannonballs.

They blasted father and son hard, leaving them covered in blood.

T/N: The phrase "covered in blood" was used metaphorically to convey the intensity and impact of reporters' criticisms and questions. 

"Did that really happen?"

"Not getting what he wanted, he flew into a rage and tried to tarnish He Huan's reputation by preventing him from marrying in the future?"

"Does this 80% compatibility really exist? How is that possible? Is He Huan lying?"

"Is it possible to provide the complete surveillance recordings?"

Gibbs and Cedric have already hurried backstage, accompanied by the security team.

The reporters were undaunted and continued to approach the security cordon formed by the security guards, like relentless waves.

In the large hall, He Huan's accusations echoed from every corner.

"They want to force me into submission... they called this press conference not only to make everyone hate me, but also to destroy my career."

Although exhausted, He Huan's expression was firm, his voice resonated with determination, "I can't give up on being an actor. This is my dream and also the fulfillment of my mother's last wish."

"Some older uncles and aunts may remember actress Mu Lier. She has starred in films such as 'The Last Battle at Nana Star', 'My Father is Seeler' and 'The Blade of Empire Glory'..."

N/T: In this case, "Seeler" is either a given name or a surname mentioned in the original text. Unfortunately, I have no additional information about the context or specific meaning of "Seeler" beyond what is provided in the sentence.

Before He Huan even finished speaking, there was an explosion not only on the live stream, but also on the press conference venue and even on the entire interstellar intelligence network.

[My God!! My God!! Mu Lier's son?! My parents love  Mu Lier !]

[I'm her number one fan, I bought the rights to show all her movies! Ahhh, I love this goddess! She suddenly disappeared back then, didn't even say where she went.]

[How is Mu Lier? Will she return to acting in movies?]

[ Didn't you hear his last two words clearly? It's a final wish. ]

While He Huan was talking, the screen suddenly froze. Apparently, there was a burst of traffic, and the Grass on the Wall platform was overloaded and eventually collapsed.

Not only did Grass on the Wall go down, I heard even the smart grid slowed down for a few seconds.

After more than ten minutes, with the intervention of the programmers, the live transmission of Grass on the Wall was restored.

From that moment on, not only were curious spectators watching, but also a large amount of Mu Lier's fans began to enter.

At this time, the number of people on He Huan's live broadcast already surpassed 50 million and continued to rise crazily.

Sitting to the side, Qi Peng was completely shocked. He had been involved in the entertainment industry for over a decade and had seen many upheavals, but the magnitude of what was happening today was something he had never seen before, and even experienced.

In the comments, there were people questioning how He Huan could prove that he was Mu Lier's son.

He Huan showed the birth certificate, which he had already prepared, and managed to silence everyone.

Qi Peng was holding a tablet, used to watch the live broadcast of the press conference, and what was happening there completely shook him.

The news that He Huan was Mu Lier's son instantly set the press conference venue on fire.

The maddened crowd surged towards Gibbs and his son like a tsunami, without mercy.

The two of them looked like a small fishing boat, bobbing in the fearsome waves, ready to break apart and sink at any moment.

Father and son were at the backstage door, and Cedric was looking into the distance of less than three feet, but he couldn't take a step forward at all.

His perfectly combed blond hair was now in disarray, his carefully arranged suit had the buttons ripped off, and his shiny shoes were covered in footprints.

It was not known who held his tie, tightening it to the point of almost suffocating him.

"Wizard, wizard! Quick, stop these people!" Cedric screamed until he lost his voice, but was completely drowned out by the journalists' screams of rage.

"You dare treat Mu Lier's son like this, people across the star system will punish the Gibbs family for this!"

"Mu Lier was killed by you?"

"Do you still have the audacity to run away?! Cedric, you have no intention of apologizing to He Huan?"

"So this is how the centuries-old nobility maintain their reputation and position? I'm sure they've done things like this to a lot of people, haven't they?"

Cedric felt his ears ringing, nearly bursting his eardrums.

These journalists were disgusting, why wouldn't they die!

"Gibbs, how did your family get the sole right to explore the planet El?"

"I've heard that all the commissioners in Planet El's development department and those in charge of external procurement are people related to your family. Is that true?"


He Huan finally ended the live broadcast and lazily stretched, throwing himself entirely onto the sofa.

Qi Peng sat beside her, motionless and dazed.

Seeing that he still had a dumbfounded expression of "Am I dreaming?", He Huan kicked his foot and said, "Return to reality."

Qi Peng looked at He Huan in astonishment, "Ah?"

He Huan smirked, reached out and forcefully pulled his face.

Qi Peng felt intense pain and trembled, but he didn't blame He Huan. Instead, he covered his face and got excited: "It really hurts, I'm not dreaming, it's real!"

He Huan asked, "Are you satisfied with everything that happened tonight?"

Qi Peng shook his head like a hammer hitting the wall, "Satisfied! Very satisfied! I won a lot!"

He ran excitedly around the room for two laps and stood on the terrace, looking up at the sky and holding out his arms: "Movie deals, endorsement deals, variety shows... they're all mine!"

In fact, just profit sharing from today's collaborations with major media outlets and platforms would be enough for Qi Peng to live on for the rest of his life.

But how could he be satisfied with that?

Qi Peng approached He Huan like a hurricane, with an expression of admiration: "God of Wealth, from now on you are my God of Wealth. If you have any needs, just ask me!"

He Huan rested his chin on his palm and looked at him slightly lowering his head, smiling peacefully, "Well done."

Qi Peng felt somewhat insecure seeing He Huan's carefree attitude.

Just like He Huan said two days ago, "Everyone in the universe will know who He Huan is", today he felt that he really knew He Huan.

He was cunning and cunning.

Qi Peng asked him, "You did it on purpose to choose this live broadcast to reveal your identity as Mu Lier's son, didn't you?"

Since signing with He Huan, he had never mentioned his family, and for a long time Qi Peng thought he was just a poor student.

He Huan smiled ambiguously, not responding to her words.

Qi Peng saw this expression on him and understood it clearly. He praised, giving a big thumbs up: "Benefits maximization, that's a genius move!"

He Huan's identity as Mu Lier's son would certainly draw many people's attention.

However, if it were revealed in an ordinary moment, it would only be a reason to receive some applause and flowers.

But by being revealed at this very moment, in the midst of the situation where the Gibbs family was already in dire straits, and by skillfully bringing these two issues together, it completely aroused netizens' compassion.

From now on, following Mu Lier's fame, it will be possible to break new ground in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention the fact that people in the entertainment industry are highly sensitive and everyone wants to get exclusive reports.

Qi Peng's phone kept ringing, and the funds were pouring in like running water from a river.

Qi Peng was so happy that he almost fainted with joy, "I feel like my life has reached its peak!"

However, He Huan smiled with deep meaning, "This is just the beginning."


The network party is not over yet.

Internet users have accumulated a huge amount of emotions that need to be released.

There are those who scold Cedric, those who dig up negative information about the Gibbs family, those who debate about the development rights of planet El, those who remember Mu Lier, those who argue about He Huan...

Xu Yihan became interested in this incident after meeting He Huan at the hospital.

From the intense online critique prior to the press conference, through the livestream of the press conference and Grass on the Wall livestream, to the subsequent war of words on the internet.

He followed everything attentively like a spectator, and now he is completely satisfied.

Xu Yihan shuts down his brain and laughs out loud, "This turnaround is simply 360°, the Gibbs family is in trouble. As for planet El, do you have any plans?"

Fei Zi narrows his eyes, neither confirming nor denying.

Images from the live stream flash through your mind, including a series of denials made by He Huan.

【Fortunately, an alpha who introduced himself as Mr. F appeared in time, so Cedric couldn't succeed.】

【The certificate provided by the hospital is the most convincing.】

Later, he discovered that the person who lived closest to his mansion, in the house with residents, was He Huan himself.

He was also the only Omega.

The author has something to say: Seme: My role today is the helpful citizen Mr. F.



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