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DAAOWWDBSA - Chapter 06

Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Translator: Spring Flowers BL

Controversy over the press conference continues to rage on the Internet.

The Gibbs family was exposed, from financial problems to personal behavior, everything was revealed.

【Surprisingly, Cedric has so many lovers】【The He family released monitoring audio recordings, revealing the truth】

【Lili Si's personal information was exposed】

【There are dark secrets about the development rights of planet El, and the imperial police are already investigating】

He Huan's smart brain wouldn't stop ringing all day.

Most of the calls were from the Gibbs family and the He family, without having to answer, he already knew what they meant.

It's clear the Gibbs family wanted to make it up to him."

The He family, on the other hand, wanted He Huan to keep quiet and not talk about Mu Lier.

He Huan didn't give a damn and then got tired and blocked them all.

These people are hopeless, so they went to bother Qi Peng.

Qi Peng doesn't care about them, he is busy selecting interviews for variety shows.

Before, even if he begged, he couldn't secure these high-level resources, but now they are available to him.

It almost made your mouth water.

He Huan was drinking fruit tea, and seeing how busy and happy he was, he asked, "Do you really need to wake up before 6 am, be busy until 3 pm without eating?"

"It's amazing!" Qi Peng's voice full of energy said to He Huan, he is neither hungry nor tired, "I have never seen such good resources, I feel like a king who has countless wealth!"

He Huan lightly smiled, "Your Majesty, I think you need to find two assistants to share this burden of joy."

Qi Peng looked at him, "I can handle all these tasks myself, hiring people is not free, do you know how expensive work is these days?"

"Okay, I understand," said He Huan, unable to help his stingy nature. He quickly changed the subject: "You've seen it for quite a while, is there anything good?"

When it came to his area of ​​expertise, Qi Peng was even more excited.

"I've already organized everything, take a look, see which ones interest you."

He Huan took the files and flipped through them one by one.

Indeed, as Qi Peng had said, they were invitations from very good program and production teams.

But that wasn't what he wanted.

He Huan had no personal interest in acting, but after moving away from the He family, he had to enter this circle for survival and, more importantly, to help the body's former owner take revenge.

Revealing the identity of Mu Lier's son was an important step towards raising her value and returning to high society.

He didn't need these interviews and entertainment programs that sought attention through exposure**, what he wanted were blockbuster film contracts and participation in social events among the elite.

Coincidentally, Qi Peng came to him holding a list.

"You need to pay special attention to these invitations, they are the ones you should attend."

He Huan raised an eyebrow.

Qi Peng met He Huan's questioning gaze and explained, "Two of them are sent by entertainment industry bigwigs, and one is an invitation from your mother's fan association to a memorial and mourning event. They hope you can present the event."

Qi Peng pulled out a burgundy red envelope, "And lastly, this is a cocktail invitation from Countess Lady Gloria. She claims to be a loyal fan of Mu Lier, and upon hearing about what happened to you, she felt both sympathy and indignation, deciding to introduce him to an alpha even more talented than Cedric."

He Huan took the envelope and opened it.

On the paper were elegant and beautiful cursive letters, showing the host's respect for the guest.

He Huan's gaze fell on the final signature of "Barbara Gloria", and a small smile of satisfaction surfaced on his face.

Qi Peng said quietly, "What a great opportunity! Weren't you looking for a sponsor?"

He Huan smiled and accessed his strategic manual called 'Surviving Challenges' that he had been preparing in his smart brain for the last few days."

Sweeping his finger over pretty faces one by one, he searched for someone who would suit his plan.

Li Heyang, the second son of the Jin Yunhai group, was the ex-fiancé of the former owner.

In the photo, the person is wearing golden glasses, with a soft smile, a refined image and an expression in the brown eyes that shows an elite look.


The summer party organized by Mrs. Gloria took place in her private garden.

The lush blossoms of the climbing roses formed an arched entrance, and the elegantly dressed guests walked through the night breeze and the scent of flowers, full of anticipation.

He Huan went to the party alone, not knowing many people at the venue, thinking it would be extremely boring at first.

But as soon as he entered, he was surrounded by people.

Unexpectedly, there were many Mu Lier fans among these rich young men, and quickly they surrounded him from all sides.

"I really admire your mother, she is a great artist."

"Does she still have her signature products? The price is up to you."

"I'm a huge fan of hers. If you run into any difficulties, you can come to me for help."

The questions came one after the other without pause, and it was impossible to answer them all.

He Huan was almost startled by their excitement. He knew from what he saw online how popular Mu Lier was, but compared to reality, it was completely different.

Those youths in front of him didn't skimp on the most complimentary words for Mu Lier.

One of the fans, a young omega woman, burst into emotional tears.

She was small and frail, covering her face as she sobbed, looking very vulnerable.

He Huan quickly consoled her, but he was also a little worried.

He had come to the party with the aim of getting closer to Li Heyang, but now that so many people were paying attention to him, he no longer had any freedom of action.

At that moment, Senhora Gloria, seeing someone crying, had to put aside the guests she was receiving to take care of that emotionally shaken young woman.

With this incident, He Huan finally had the opportunity to get rid of a group of excited fans, escorting the young omega fan to the break room.

After comforting the young girl, He Huan followed Mistress Gloria out of the rest room.

"You have a very pleasant personality," Mistress Gloria said with a beaming smile at He Huan.

Although she was in middle age, she took good care of herself and had a youthful attitude, like an aged red wine that exuded the sedimented charm of age.

He was very handsome, completely inheriting Mu Lier's qualities, especially when seen in profile, he looked like the dazzling magazine covers of female stars of yesteryear.

An emotional touch arose in Mistress Gloria's heart, her eyes even became a little moist.

She had secretly watched He Huan since he entered. She noticed how properly he handled the ardent fans, took care of the emotionally shaken young woman, all in a very precise, concerned way without losing etiquette.

"I like you very much, especially since you are Mu Lier's son," Gloria said frankly and directly, revealing her thoughts.

He Huan looked into her beautiful lilac colored eyes and caught her sincerity.

He liked people like that, it was very pleasant to be with them.

"I have prepared a personalized gift for you and I hope you like it," said He Huan, taking out a small, delicately packed box.

This is a perfume distilled from the flowers of Albizia julibrissin, it has a certain enchanting and aphrodisiac effect, being harmless to the human body and, on the contrary, capable of rejuvenating and cheering the spirit.

Gloria, as one of the few countesses in the empire, has seen all sorts of rare treasures, including bottles of perfume.

At first, she didn't care much when she took the vial.

But seeing He Huan always smiling at her, Gloria politely opened the lid of the bottle and took a slight sniff, instantly becoming stunned.

"This... this scent..."

He Huan smiled without saying a word.

Gloria was so surprised that she couldn't speak, she immediately grabbed some perfume and rubbed it on her wrists, bringing her nose close to sniff it gently.

She closed her eyes in bliss, silently enjoying the enchanting, alluring scent.

Like Sleeping Beauty bewitched by a witch, she never wanted to wake up.

He Huan had to speak to remind her, "Ma'am, do you like it?"

Gloria reluctantly opened her eyes, staring at the small thumb-sized bottle of perfume in her hand, "I like it so much! It's just perfect for me!"

He Huan lightly smiled, "You will still find out in the future that it has other wonderful uses."

Senhora Gloria remains single until today and is passionate about holding all kinds of parties, living in a free and extravagant way.

Tonight's party, ostensibly offering a dating environment for singles, is actually its own field of conquest.

Certainly, the flower perfume of Albizia julibrissin will be very appreciated by this lady.

Gloria hasn't received a gift that she likes so much in a long time. She is generous and pulls He Huan's hand, leading him to the second floor balcony, where they can observe from above.

"Choose from among the talented young men present here, and I will see that you get what you desire."

He Huan follows her gaze and surveys the entire room scene, capturing his target for the night.

Li Heyang is standing beside a column of flower arrangements, talking to a handsome male omega.

Both have warm smiles, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Noticing this, Gloria smiles and asks, "Do you like Li Heyang?"

He Huan smiles and replies, "I just know you, I was wondering if I should greet you, it seems like it's not very convenient."

Gloria's lilac eyes move and she smiles slightly: "Since you're acquaintances, greeting is a matter of basic courtesy, there's nothing inconvenient. Come on, I'll take you there."

Before He Huan can respond, he is pulled by her and goes down the stairs directly towards Li Heyang.

"Heyang, how long has it been! You are even more handsome than before." Gloria lifted a glass of red wine from a nearby tray. "Come on, have a drink."

Li Heyang smiled and raised the cup in a toasting gesture, took a small sip and only then noticed the presence of He Huan next to Gloria.

He was surprised and opened his mouth: "He Huan?"

He Huan bowed slightly, his smile was perfectly balanced, as if it was just a matter of courtesy. "Mister Li, how are you?"

Li Heyang's face had a moment of discomfort, but he quickly covered it up: "Hello."

But her expression changes couldn't escape Gloria's eyes, a love butterfly in the field of romance.

Gloria's eyes swept over the two for a moment and she curiously asked, "Heyang, did you know He Huan before?"

Li Heyang adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, with a kind smile and a relaxed posture, "Yes, we met, we had an engagement before."

He paused after speaking, his eyes glittering with a hint of surprise, he caught the sweet scent of pheromones in the air, instantly captivating his attention.

In just an instant, her body was affected by these pheromones, a feeling of warmth and excitement coursing through her being.

"An engagement?" Gloria was stunned, she was unaware that Li Heyang had been engaged at some point during the time they had known each other.

A previous engagement? Does this mean they later called off the engagement?

The male omega beside Li Heyang, upon hearing this information, put on an unpleasant expression and cast an unfavorable look at He Huan.

Gloria was about to ask, when suddenly there was a commotion at the door.

The gasps of admiration spread out, quickly attracting the attention of the people in the room.

He Huan turned his head to look.

The warm light glowed, and the imposing alpha approached slowly through the crowd.

He was wearing casual clothes, eliminating the coldness and sense of restraint of the military uniform, and adding a touch of light-heartedness.

But his innate aura of distance erected an icy wall between him and the others, like a "Do Not Enter" sign to outsiders; anyone approaching could be frozen.

Suddenly, he stopped, his eyes sharp and invasive.

Like a hunter looking for his prey.

His sharp gaze swept over He Huan, seeming to stop somewhere.

He Huan was startled and quickly suppressed her pheromone.

Then, he saw the man walk directly towards him.

Translator's notes: 

Albizia julibrissin is a species of flowering plant in the Mimosoideae subfamily of the Fabaceae family, known by the common names silk tree or Constantinople acacia.



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